Show #475 – August 23, 2020

It’s Bootsy’s Brother’s Birthday! Happy Birthday to SILENT DALE!!!!! We’ve some new stuff, some old stuff and some blues stuff to help us celebrate! Caleb Caming & the Heat (NY NY) Drew Young (New Orleans LA) Don’t Mind Dying (Columbia MO) Future Radio (S. AFRICA) Phylshawn (Columbia MO) Pink Octopus (Sydnes AUSTRALIA) Rick Hromadka (Hamden […]

Show #469 – July 12, 2020 – 10 YEARS IN THE BASEMENT!

Time flies when you’re having a good time and we’ve been having a GREAT time in the basement for 10 whole years! We’ve played music by over 1500 local, independent bands and musicians since July 10, 2010. On Show #469, we play tunes by 10 of the most played bands: Cracked Coconuts Shadowplay Stone Sugar […]